The Healing Journey Program Started with a longing to facilitate healing for individuals and the Earth, and grew into a school.
It all started with a weekend workshop, and the program was born.
A lifetime dream come true.
Christina knew she had many gifts, and longed to help others.
Christina’s path to creating the Inner Path School of Healing began as a student of energy healing. While studying energy healing, and learning all she could from her teachers, she kept thinking about how she would craft a school, and what she would do differently. She wanted to teach in an inclusive way, that honored and developed each person’s unique skills and abilities. She didn’t want each student to be exactly the same, but to emerge from an intensive program uniquely themselves, with the foundations to take their own healer-ship into their own unique expression and offering to the world. She thought about the years she would offer: self, relationships, and community. Christina is a lover of nature (have you noticed all the nature photos?), and her connection to the Earth feeds her soul. How to help students connect deeply to themselves and become connected to the Earth as well? Her deep curiosity and the vision of her school was born.
Upon opening her own healing practice she started to learn new techniques and to expand her own skills. Listening deeply to her guides, intuition, direct knowing, and relying on her high sense perceptions, she took her healing skills to the next level. Soon, she began to perceive the acupuncture meridians, and understood it was time to go to acupuncture school. She knew that this was the next step on her path.
After graduating from the New England School of Acupuncture she founded Blue Heron Acupuncture, a place where she could combine all of her uniques skills and talents. Using the ancient teachings of acupuncture to inform her knowledge, and her deep skill base as an energy healer, she started to think “how would I teach this to others?” Not only was she visioning how to share her wisdom, and longing to open her own school, but clients started asking “how do you do what you do? Can you teach me?” The result was the Introduction to Energy Healing Weekend Workshop!
After the energy healing weekend workshop Christina found she had students asking for a multi-year intensive program, and a dream of hers was born. She started the Healing Journey Program through Blue Heron Acupuncture, and a lifetime dream came true.
Why I Teach
My students bring indescribable value to my journey as a teacher. Their transformation is the source of my deepest joy, as I witness them embarking on the path of self-discovery. It is through their growth and empowerment that I find my purpose magnified, making every moment spent with them truly fulfilling and rewarding. That is why the program is called a Healing Journey. It is about the students and their journey, whether they’ve enrolled to become energy healers or to learn more about themselves. - Christina Ducharme